You guys! H-E-B has a recipe to a concha breakfast sandwich, and I totally just tried it!
H-E-B, the San Antonio-based supermarket chain, recently posted the recipe, which has gotten over 12,000 likes and nearly 5,000 shares, to its Facebook page. The recipe ― which calls for mustard, bacon guacamole, bacon, pepper jack cheese, and an egg (cooked sunny side up) all within the confines of a sweet concha bun ― has generated a lot of buzz online. A quick glance through H-E-B's Facebook post showed people had mixed feelings about it. Some people questioned using mustard and/or guacamole (hey, maybe mustard and guac are just not your jams), while others stated they'd prefer to stick with their traditional ways of eating conchas and other types of pandulces ― by itself or with some cafecito. Still, many people seemed curious to try the recipe as is.
How can you get your hands and mouths on one? H-E-B does not currently offer a ready-made concha breakfast sandwich in any of its stores, sadly. So, for now, it looks like we'll all have to settle for making one ourselves. Luckily the recipe is simple and easy to follow.
Here's how that turned out for me.
The sandwich was DELICIOUS, quite honestly. I was curious as to how the mustard would play into the flavors with the guacamole and the egg, but the mustard actually complimented the other ingredients well and wasn't a problem (even my sharing partner, who doesn't care much for mustard, thought it was good). The bacon guacamole was a great touch too, and the bacon, well, is good even by itself. Overall, I'd recommend giving it a try (adjust ingredients to your preferences, if you'd like). I was very pleased with how the sandwich turned out. I'll be back for more for sure!
What do you think about H-E-B's concha breakfast sandwich recipe? Would you try it? Let us know in the comments below!
I'm sharing H-E-B's recipe below, which you can find here.
H-E-B's Concha Breakfast Sandwich Recipe